Burned Bridges

In the course of our lives, there are times that we say or do things that we wish we hadn’t. Sometimes, these misguided arrows cause rifts in our relationships so profound that it appears that we’ve surely set the bridge between us and others aflame. We are regretful and sad, but as humans, it seems easier to let the bridge burn than to make amends.

There is a saying that we should never burn up a bridge, as you never know when you will need that person or their assistance again.  Yet, the wonderful thing about rifts in relationships is that as long as there is life there is hope, and as long as we have Jesus, reconciliation is possible.  It may not be instantaneous and you may have to swallow a few cups of pride, but there are no smoking remains with the Lord.

One thing I have learnt to do in most of these situations is to pray for the individual that I may have a disagreement with prior to approaching them.  (Sometimes that in itself is soooo hard bcause as humans we want to remember how we think they may have hurt us & have our righteous indignation). By lifting these individuals up in prayer, I allow God to lead me to the best way to obtain mutual understanding.

Remember that there are no such things as burned bridges in our own relationship with God.  No matter the deed, He is ever willing to forgive and to restore our connection with Him.  My hope is that we will make reconciliation  the goal in all our relationships where possible.

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